Dare I say I've got a bit of recapping to do! Let's see there was Halloween, a little bit of Comicon and helping my bestie get moved! Been a busy couple of weeks! <- yeah I said that when I STARTED this blog which ... was a while ago now, too. Wow I suck at this.
Memory lapses aside, let's get down to business! First up HALLOWEEN!
It was a King of the Hill Halloween this year. A Hilloween! Of course if you're a fan you know that's indeed the title of the Halloween episode of KOTH from season 2. But you didn't want to hear me go on about my PhD in KOTH. Check it out!
Round one: Hocus Pocus Halloween Party!
I was Bill, Jon was Dale, Pat was the world's most hilarious Boomhauer and I was Bill.
Here's a closeup for Bill (me.)
Jon's most awesome Dale:
And me and hubs, I mean Bill and Hank @ the bar
I can't tell you how much fun this costume was. Then at work, Cyndie got in on the action AND she photoshopped us in front of the freakin' fence!!!
I'm going to say "Best Costume Ever" because, well KOTH is one of my all-time (if not the #1) favorite shows ... but next year I do kinda want to be cute. Speaking of cute, Manda was a pineapple! A pineapple! How cute is that?!
[I didn't save her pictures in time to share, you're just going to have to take my word for it!]
Yeah so it is now November 16th and in my head I had already posted this -_- The hell, Emily?
Alright well, moving right along. *sigh*
Halloween also included some adorable eats, some that you saw. Some that may have already shown up on Facebook but I don't care I put a lot of work into this particular event so I'm putting it here.
Spooky shaped root veggies. This was fun, time consuming, but similar to carving a pumpkin. Dang if the outcome isn't cute and delicious to boot.
Then there was comicon! So a dear friend of mine started up a macron shop and her stuff is DELICIOUS! So, we'll start with sharing her comicon-weekend special noms.
I didn't take a lot of pictures, but I did dress up as Duff Man and I did snag a photo with a man, running a shop, acting and looking JUST LIKE Rumple from Once Upon A Time. He nailed it.
Also at comicon we saw this amazing lego display:
(If I format them to be XL they show up fuzzy on mobile, so zoom in, it's amazing!)
I scored this adorable and delicious little snack:
It's a wafer shaped to look like an ice cream cone.
(look, he's waving at you, hahahah! Good food is great, cute food is fun, good & cute food is the best)
Well there's an adorable place to leave off, so I promise I have a whole post about the door all ready to go that I'll get on sooner than later.... maybe. Guess you'll just have to wait and see.