Saturday, September 12, 2020

Top 5* memes of 2020

Well hello there, internet! Man, it sure has been a while. I'll start with the * in my title:

*Number 5 has not been chosen yet, because heaven knows what else this year has in store for us and what memes it will bring forth. This list and it's order is subject to change once the 5th meme of the year reveals itself. 

Now back to that whole "it's been a while!" deal, well. It has. Turns out my last post was in 2018 - eight. teen. 

That is 2 rounds of New Years resolutions that swore I would blog again. *cough* Well - anyway, today I got a wild hair. I don't want to re-hash everything that's been missed since November 2018, I'll save that for potential future posts. Maybe. If the wild hair returns.   

Today, let's talk memes. Beginning with #4. 

#4 is near and dear to me, it harkens back to a time when life went on as usual. Back when usual was a regular usual. I'm starting to forget some of that - but I digress.

#4 Woman Yelling at a Cat 
This one's made the rounds a million times over, each image once stood alone as it's own meme - until the gods of the internet gave us this glorious mashup and we never looked back. My favorite versions involve their arguing over pronunciation of terrible spelling and/or the sequence of words on signs etc. that have been shoved together in such a way that they're actually very difficult to read in their intended order. We have since learned that that little kitty is a fella named Smudge, and he is freaking adorable. The entire origin story & history of this meme can be found on the amazing Know Your Meme site.

We love this meme so much in fact, that when artists generated fantastic works honoring it - we went full on "shut up and take my money" (no, not a meme on this top 5 that's really a top 4 list.) Here's one of our latest updates to the homestead: 
See it? You may want to zoom in a little, sandwiched between our windows and the fireplace - there it is! Woman Yelling at a Cat in all of our probably-racist-decorating-style glory!

Speaking of probably racist - that leads us to favorite meme of 2020 number three! 

#3 This Syrup Is Racist
You and I are experiencing the same year, folks. I don't need to explain the backstory. I'm not interested in diving into the rights and or wrongs - I just want to appreciate the humor that exists alongside the chaos. This meme does exactly that: 
I have no idea who gets credit for the origin of this one and maybe it doesn't qualify a a meme in the classic meme sense, but I'm gonna let it slide - because it's my #3 favorite of the year. 

#2 Regular Sick
If this doesn't sum up 2020 I don't know what does. The first time I saw it, my best friend had shared it on Facebook. Every single day it rings more and more true! The size of the magnifying glass this virus under is huge, and grows bigger every single day, too. In 2009 I promise Dylan and I suffered from & survived the Swine Flu. No one ever confirmed it. And if we had a headache or a sore wrist 6 weeks after we were feeling better, no one would have ever considered it's connection to the strain we had survived. Now I want to make one thing clear: I'm not saying anything about anything. We are still in the thick of this mess, and we will know a lot more about this Corona fella in a decade or so, until then - the jury's out in my book. I stand by my magnifying glass observation, however. 

#1 Best I Can Do 
In May we had become accustomed to waking up daily with the terror and intrigue of "what's next?" weighing on our minds. When I saw this meme one day in May, well I'll never forget that feeling of connection and "yes, this!" I'm not happy we have to have these feelings. I want memes to go back to ladies yelling at cats. But we can't go back. I can only be eternally grateful for my own sense of humor and the senses of humor of those around me. 

 See you guys next time, whenever that may be!