Here it is, last day of August! Let me tell you, the month just whizzed right on by.
I caught some death flu this past week that isn't helping me keep track of anything, let alone what day it is. This one has been gnarly, and it's still got it's claws in me. I haven't been this spent from a cold since the freakin' swine flu. I had some milestones today though, I could talk! That was great because since about Sunday trying to get words out was painful and man did I sound weird. I still sound weird but there's no more pain! I could respond to stuff that happened on the news today, it was great! (Little things, right?) Anyway, I saw the doctor, and they say it's viral so I just have to let it run its course. Oh and try not to get any secondary infections, so you know, no pressure or anything.
Not too long ago I remember jotting down my brilliant Million Dollar Ideas and wanted to make a blog post of cartoons. It was great in theory, until I got cracking about 2 hours ago and remembered a very crucial bit: I CAN'T DRAW.
Didn't stop me from regaling you with all of my asinine inner thoughts anyway ^_^
Are you ready for this? Don't say I didn't warn you!
I can't even recall what my inspiration was for these, but I did write down "Hey! I'm walkin' here!" because let's face it, drivers and pedestrians don't always mix so well. Both of them are pretty distracted anymore, and seldom is the "walk the same direction as traffic flows" rule followed. See now, wouldn't some flags you could pop out at a moment's notice be a welcomed prevention tool?
I've told you, twice now, I can't draw. Okay?
Onward to my next brilliant invention!
Now don't act like these wouldn't come in handy:
All you have to do is pop one on the door on your way out!
I didn't realize until just now, 2 of my ideas are flag related. Huh.
However these flags are like the flags that get called on plays in sports, check it out:
There you have it folks. My mad art skills in all of their 3rd grade level glory.
See you next time!