My last post was titled "What Happened to August?" and here we are, end of September and I have yet to update. The craziest part of this story is that September really has been rather eventful!
We've adopted a new little pooch! That's huge news, and I haven't posted about it! Though I have decided he needs a proper photo shoot for a proper introduction, so that's coming, I swear it.
Also this month, my good buddy Phil came to town and screened his movie The Trolls which has a minor speaking extra part brilliantly acted by yours truly. Kidding! I didn't think I was brilliant, but I did not cringe nearly as much as I thought I would seeing (or hearing) myself on screen.
Another important mention for September: It's Fall. Pumpkin flavored everything! Halloween Season! Dylan and I are working on our costumes and planning 2 parties. This year's gonna be good!
Lastly: My #1 favorite band, Green Day, has an album coming out in 2 weeks. They've released 3 singles so far, and the latest one "Still Breathing" has become my obsession. Its unlike anything I've heard from Green Day before, but I love it. LOVE. I'm as memorized by this song as Baxter is when he stares at the cats. Which, you'll learn more about in the official "Welcome Baxter Boswell" post.
There you have it:
New Dog!
Halloween Season!
Actual content to follow.