Ask yourself this question: What would you do if you were stuck in one place and every day was exactly the same and nothing you did mattered?
Ralph's answer was "That about sums it up for me."
Gus replied "We could do whatever we wanted!"
That's when Phil repeated, "We could do whatever we wanted!"
Facing the idea of eternal repeats, my bestie Manda and I decided:
we'd throw a freaking Groundhog Day Party!
Actually, this is a party we've been wanting to throw for years. I'm not sure why exactly we held out until now, but I can tell you there's a million reasons to celebrate Groundhog Day. Not the day where the groundhog gives a weather report exactly, but the film! That amazing movie - it's a perfect metaphor for our own day to day lives! I mean, think about it:
Is that not 100% absolute fact?
Not only do we make our choices and we live with them, but our overall outlook on things matters too!
This year, we chose to have a party outlook.
You heard me!
The question remained: How exactly do you theme a Groundhog Day themed party?
Sure, we'd be watching the movie. But what else? How could we jazz it up?
Then, on my February 2nd drive to work, it hit me: Cake, coffee & cigarettes. With that, a party was born.
Manda did some recon at Party City, and as it turns out, we're apparently the only weirdos who want to celebrate Groundhog Day. We had to get creative with decorations, so we asked the internet. I found a blog that showed an awesome banner someone had made for their Groundhog Day [the movie] theme party! I ripped her right off! My dear friend Cyndie was willing to pitch in her awesome graphic design skills and our banner was born!
Cyndie created the individual tiles. From there, Dylan, Jon and I built the world's coolest banner!
Step one: Cut out the tiles! (Cat assisted, of course)
Step two: stop and marvel at the adorable little groundhog!
Step three: hole punch each tile - twice!
Make sure everyone's in order, and string that baby on some twine!
Pretty slick, don't you think? (I won't lie, it's still hanging over the mantle as I type this ...)
We made one more custom Groundhog Day Party item:
You remember the scene:
The rest of the decorations were perfectly themed:
Movie snacks were also Groundhog Day themed!
We had Groundhogs in a blanket!
Delicious pastries!
Coffee Bar:
Bonus points for our sweet new Kurig joining the party!
Manda made sticky buns that were just heaven!
"These sticky buns are just heaven!" |
Another of our lovely guests made this decadent & delicious raspberry lemon cake!!
We added some popcorn & dip to the mix
Then, it was movie time!
It was a great party! I had a blast, I hope all of our guests did too.
If you haven't watched Groundhog Day in a while, I highly suggest you celebrate in spirit with us and give it a watch. You won't regret it. Now, as I bid you goodnight I'll leave you with one more Groundhog Day quote: "I'll see you tomorrow ... maybe!"
Oh yeah, and watch out for that first step! It's a doozy!