Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Weekend Wonders

Another weekend has come to pass here at the Boswell house, but we managed to make this one pretty productive!

Where should I begin? You guys remember The Big Ass To Do List right? 
Right, well on that list we had Dylan's office listed as one of the larger projects. 
So we started out on Friday night by going through a massive backlog of papers. 

That's right. Granted, 2 of these bags were from a quasi cleaning event earlier this year, 
we now have a grand total of 5. These will be happily handed over to a neighborhood 
Shred-A-Thon presented by the Sheriff's Dept. I wonder what the record is for the most 
shred...ings dropped off. We might place, but somehow I doubt we'd be the winners. 

Brace yourself for one of my favorite before and afters!
eeeeh? Sure, its not prefect (yet) and we still have work to do. Like painting that wall on the left so we can finally hang things back up/put them where they belong. But hey! Look how much mess has been cleared out! Enough to make working in there pleasant again, eh hubs?
Oh and don't worry, we still have the dancing anatomy figure man. 
He's just been moved to a new and better location. 

Pretty productive so far right? I can't believe I'm saying this - but it didn't end there. 
We also took time this weekend to take care of Sherman. He's had a spot on his side driving him crazy for about 3 weeks. He managed to slough off all of his hair in said spot. Then it got larger... that's when we called the doc. Doc said it probably started as something small, like a bug bite or a cactus stick, but Sherman licked all of his hair follicles into inflammation and irritation so it was just a vicious cycle. Doc put him on antibiotics to be safe, and prescribed a hot compress 2x a day. Oh, and to keep Sherman from licking it.
Lucky for Sherman, his crazy-dog sibling Chelsea had this Thunder Shirt lying around.
He doesn't like it. Even though we keep trying to explain, its better than a cone! He just doesn't get it.

Sunday was really the prefect day off. It started out overcast and drizzly. 
The perfect weather to enjoy the morning paper and a cup of coffee. Or, if your'e a cat, 
to sit in a basket of fresh laundry and soak in the sights.
oh no! He captured me capturing him!

Sunday was actually the day we put in the bulk of the office cleaning. Plus all those other 
weekend chores like laundry, sweeping and mopping, you know the drill. But, for bonus points we 
put the vanity in the master bathroom back together so now I can show you this rad before and after
My favorite part is the inside!
I don't have a before of this just take my word for it, its much better now!

See you guys next time, thanks for stopping to catch up with the Boswell House!