With a little more insight on my part, I would have a clear, themed, easy to follow blog post.
Sad to say though, I lacked that insight, and instead now have a jumbled recap for you all to enjoy.
1. We made Paella
2. We had amazing BBQ from a good friend's super-fantastic food truck
3. It was finally time to replace the air conditioning unit at the Boswell House.
Come, relive with me!
I won't lie to you, I took the photo and I'm sharing the photo because the name of the distribution company is "Forever Cheese" and that's probably the greatest company name I've ever heard.
Check out this awesome package of Saffron!
Then we packed everyone into the pan!
It was then time to sit down for the feast
~oooooh yeah~
If we're going chronologically - that makes it time for time #2: BBQ!
Friends of ours own and operate one of the best food trucks in town: Red Desert BBQ and I'm not just saying that because they are indeed our friends, but because Dave - the grill master, is in fact - the BBQ whisperer!
When we got home we set everything up for sharing and it turned out beautifully!
~ahh, perfect for kicking back, stuffing ones face and watching iZombie with buddies
Now we're back to the heart and soul of The Boswell House Blog: good ol' house stuff! This year is turning out to be the year of replacements. If memory serves, the refrigerator is still fairly new. Next up was our water heater. It got good and old and migrated its way from minor leaking, to dampness around the unit to - turn the water off and call a plumber the water heater's got to go. (It was during blog hiatus otherwise I'm sure there would have been a whole thing about it!)
Anywho, the biggest and the baddest of all the replacements has to be the AC unit. We were rocking a 15 year old who gave it all it could give us until the very end. We got a good price and we trust our AC repair person to the ends of the earth. There was one snafu (his hired help for the day overheated.) So we went one night sans A/C. And you know what? It really wasn't terrible.
When I got home the house was surprisingly - not bad. Baxter certainly didn't mind there was no cooling, he went right outside and sunbathed.
There was a nice thunderstorm on the horizon, winds kicked in, cooled off things just a bit
And our slick new unit was already on the roof, the only delay was the connections and finishing touches
Overnight worried me slightly, as I radiate heat while I'm asleep. But a girlfriend of mine told me to get a bowl of ice, and stick it in front of a fan. So I did, and I set it up right in front of my face on my night stand
It totally did the trick. ^_^
AC Repair-Man was back on the roof the following morning and alls well that ends well. We're staying super cool @ The Boswell House