Ok you guys, I swear it on my very own two feet (and how much would it suck to lose them?!) I will be back SOON for a blog post littered with Halloween fun. Scouts honor.
In the meantime, to make this a two-fer instead of one [even later] giant Halloween post I decided to break it up a little and show you how my blog has gone to the dogs. You know, beyond the giant failure that is my lack of posting...
I'll begin this tale with Sherman.
You guys know Sherman, big black dog, cute face, giant tongue, yeah - that one. Many of you have already heard that about 3 weeks ago while out on a walk Sherman got into a tussle with another dog who had broken free from their owner. Sherman walked away with a big ol' bite on the butt. It could have been far worse, and the owner of the other dog has taken full responsibility so it's just one of those scenarios where you gotta count your blessings. And then you have to dress the wound.
Okay - wait. I think we need a little more back story to explain this back story (ahahaha!)
After the first week, Sherman's bite wound (which never really bled) went from a small, very deep hole - to a sort of .... wide open skin flap :-/ (Still, wasn't bleeding though) We took him in for a follow up wherein the doctor decided to get in there do some subcutaneous sutures and try to staple up the outside. Those staples didn't hold more than a couple of days - which didn't surprise the doctor. The wound is on his right doggy butt cheek and there's a lot of movement there. His tail wags, he sits, he gets up, he rolls around. So, doc said not to worry, those subcue's will hold, just keep it clean and then he gave us a liquid med to apply to the wound twice daily. That's what led us here - to doggy pants.
Turns out, as Dylan's co-worker Sara will tell you - Dog's really can't wear pants. No, really, look up at that picture again, it's hilarious. I felt so bad for laughing, but can you help it?! And look at his face!
Oh, poor puppy. Okay - so, miserable ill fitting boxer shorts aside - Dylan decided to construct Sherman a T-shirt that would wear comfortable and cover that doggy butt cheek.
It started with a sketch:
Then Dylan got to work on an old T-shirt, this part kinda reminded me of that scene from "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" you know, when he's cutting out the santa shaped bits to make his santa suit. .. Okay so maybe it's just me ...
Then, we dressed the Sherms.
A little large, but it gets the job done, it just needed one finishing touch
*chortle* Alright, all fun aside, we didn't make him keep wearing his adorable little Halloween tie.
What matters is that he's actually very comfortable wearing a T-shirt.
It keeps his wound clean and adds another layer of difficulty should he want to lick it.
Since he figured out how to wrangle out of that large T-shirt, Dylan decided to hit the
thrift store for some smaller shirts and made up a couple to keep on rotation.
He does get to sport one of those awesome cones of shame, but we save that for overnight
and while we're not home. So long as we're around, the T-shirts are enough of a deterrent.
Now that everyone's up to speed with Sherman's story (he's in much higher spirits and the wound really is healing guys, thanks for worrying about our little man ^_^ ) How else has this blog gone to the dogs?
Well, as everyone is well aware - I moonlight as a dog sitter.
I have 2 set regular clients, and I think I just picked up a 3rd. Let me introduce them.
My first bunch: The Brittanys
All five of them. 4 of whom look almost exactly alike. I'm getting better at identifying which is which,
but I always manage to call one of them by their sibling's name. Sorry about that guys!
My second set of regulars: (I'm not trying to be mean with their nickname okay?)
The Crazies.
Hear me out, boy Crazy (on the left) has been dubbed a crazy because he's young, healthy and full of enough energy to power the entire country - daily. I'm not kidding! Girl Crazy, to the right, came from a shady past. Although she's in a loving home now, she's choosy about who she likes and dislikes. She gets a little stressed out and takes seizure meds. Good news is, she likes me. We have a routine down and I think I do well with these guys. The Crazies also include a 3rd dog, a small 17 year old who you don't see or hear much from. You just feed her, give her a couple of pats on the head and clean up when she does her business inside. Sweetest little old doggy in the world. AND The Crazies include 2 cats. One shy, quiet one, and one in-your-face-meowey one. Loud, but at least not mean or aggressive. Just very, very talkative.
So the title "The Crazies" sums up the mish mash of the excitement that is heading over to take care of them. See, it's not mean at all!
Next up: Another group of 5
These guys already have a regular sitter, but that person was not available, so I got the gig.
It's all about having connections ya'll!
Now, my latest gig: The Weens
It's pretty friggin adorable up in here.
There you have it folks, all of my dig-sitting side projects.
I will be back (and I really mean it this time) SOON. With a massive Halloween post. You'll see. It'll be fantastic! All I have to do is make sure I pick up my camera's charger when I got get Dylan on the way to Manda's for the annual Halloween bash. *cough* I'll remember.
See you guys then!