Thursday, October 31, 2013

All Hallow's Eve!

It's Halloween!

No, really, right now!
Here we are, Jack O Lanterns lit by our sides, trick-or-treaters at the door. That cool crisp Halloween night is outside enveloping all who roam it in enchanted wonder. 

I promised you a massive Halloween post, let's get started!
I'll go ahead and begin with our Spooky Movie Double Feature party.

It isn't a spooky movie night without ghoulish snacks! 
Jack O Lantern veggie tray, easy and delicious. That pumpkin tray came in handy!

Octo-dip! Adorable, and you can dip those Jack-O-Lantern bits, or chips, or you can even eat the octopus!

A handy use for Halloween cookie cutters, sammiches! 
We made PB&J as well as Deviled Ham (get it? heh)

Then we carved our puking pumpkin:
And here you see the spread coming together! 

Needs just a few more finishing touches...

Bring on the party!!

Okay, so the Spooky Movie Double Feature party started out with the best intentions. However those intentions may have been blown by our first presentation. Live Freaky Die Freaky
I'll say, in my defense, I hadn't seen the movie in years. I vaguely remembered the plot-line and that it was pretty vulgar, but - well my memory didn't prepare me for the horror. How can I explain this one? Have any of you played that game "Cards Against Humanity?" If you have, then you know what I'm about to explain. You know that feeling you get when you have the opportunity to play that one card, and you know that playing it crosses you over the line from decent human being to really, really horrible person? (After all, it is "a card game for horrible people") That feeling is the same feeling you get from Live Freaky Die Freaky. Except it's an hour and a half of that feeling. If you've never experienced this event, and would like to [for whatever crazy reason] you can play Cards Against Humanity, or watch Live Freaky Die Freaky. Your choice. 

There was redemption in our second feature Bubba Ho-Tep, which everyone genuinely enjoyed. 
I guess we saved the best for last? 

With that awkwardness done and over, it's time to get back to the Halloween scene! 
The annual Halloween bash at my best friend Manda's house:
Hey hey, we're the Munsters! People say we Munster around! ... wait, wrong show... 

Other guests included:
The marvelous Dolly Parton! 

Master of horror Jason, and one of his nighty-clad chase victims!

And these adorable cupcakes!!

Everyone got along great, no gruesome attacks or horrible urban legends to be reckoned with

Manda had a lot of guests, in fact I think the head count was 43? But these were the people I got permission from to show on the blog (it being a public forum, you remember) I figure it depicts enough of the party. 
It was a great night, everyone had a blast.
Just another shot of Herman and Lily Munster, because I love my big ol' Frankenstein <3

All of the above leads us to the main event, today, HALLOWEEN! 
At work, my coworker Suzette and I decided to be Laverne and Shirley
This morning, I prepped:
I call this shot "Becoming Laverne"
Then it was time to get to work!
Schlemeel, schlemazel, hasenfeffer incorporated!

Laverne wouldn't be complete without a little milk & Pepsi
Funny story about this picture, at work we have this little quasi convenience store. Wherein I purchased this milk and Pepsi for $3, as props. About 4 hours later I realized: I could have just taken the picture with the milk and Pepsi and then put them back into the cooler. Hah! A classic Laverne and Shirley adventure. 

Now, a little preparation from this evening!

Carved them up fresh tonight to greet our trick-or-treaters. 

Dylan also got to make a pumpkin while he was at work today:

And I realized I never shared with ya'll our awesome giant spiderweb up towards the ceiling! 
I think it's found it's annual place! 

Pumpkins placed, candy ready, time to get the dogs dressed up!

hee hee, Hallo-dogs!

That brings us here, to tonight - to right now! Halloween festivities have begun. We've watched The Great Pumpkin and Hilloween (what, the King of the Hill Halloween special isn't a staple in your household?) Now we're enjoying Paranorman. Trick-or-Treaters keep coming to the door, and our candy pale has made it to less than half. Call it one more successful Halloween. 
(Bonus points for promising you a Halloween post and then actually posting one! Whoo-hoo!!)