What do you do with your plastic bin full of lettuce (or bag of, whichever your fancy) after it's gotten a little past its prime ... (you know, those slimy bits with the old spinach smell....)
The answer is: Wilt it!
We had one of those big plastic bins from costco, we had 2 salads out of it before it reached that not-so-fresh zone. All that lettuce we had left fit easily into the pot, and it really does wilt down so even if it starts out overflowing, you're in the clear.
I used butter to aid in the wilting and add some tasty flavor, once it began to wilt down (which doesn't take too long) I added balsamic vinegar and some chopped up almonds.
I'm not going to lie to you, I was a little worried it might not taste good. It really was more of an experiment when I started. But, good news! It was delicious! The wilted greens just tasted like wilted greens, any of their slimy/stinky start did not remain. (well, okay so wilted greens are inherently slimy but ... you know, it wasn't gross anymore!) Anyway - the balsamic added a little sweetness, the salted butter alongside more salt and a little pepper added the savory and this made a solid dinner side dish plus a couple of lunches! Best part? We didn't have to throw out all that less than fresh lettuce! WIN!
Now - onward to more fun news ... NEW news! Remember that coffee maker we ordered that I said was going to get it's own post?
Check. It. Out.
Here it is, arrived in its box from Amazon .... drum roll please...
ooooooh yeeeeaaah! Check out that sweet machine! No carafe, push button service for you hot morning coffee, auto programming - it's got the works and a little something extra!
We love this machine. That blue light is bright enough to be like a night-light in the middle of the night, but not so bright that you think you left something on. The auto function has been working great and the coffee is delicious! We are very, very happy with this purchase let me tell you.
Now our counter looks so hip, so modern ... so caffeinated!
Now, one last photo in Boswell House tradition:
That's a giant, delicious kobe-style grass fed beef burger on a cheddar kaiser roll served up with some coleslaw and sweet potato fries. Makes you hungry, doesn't it?
Alright guys, see you next time!