Let's go ahead and get the worst of it out of the way. Tell me what you see when you look at this photo:
2 mugs, sure, a french press is there, and those parts to the left of the french press? That's the coffee filter and water filter that came out of our coffee maker. That was the morning Mr. Coffee died. We still don't have a replacement - so mornings have been creative. We've been using our little espresso maker which is funny, because we almost never did use that thing prior to the Mr. Coffee death, but now we'd be lost without it. Silver lining - we had the little espresso maker. AND we ordered a really cool new coffee maker today, it's going to get a big showing on the blog once it gets here so you'll just have to wait!
Moving onto some good news. This weekend we were lucky enough to host an event! It was a baby shower for a coworker of mine. We were really looking forward to it - however - before having a party one needs to prep for a party right?
We had another cave in below the pavers in the back yard. Good news, it wasn't a sink hole. Bad news, well we get these cave ins from stupid pack rats. So this year we're trying an aromatherapy style deterrent.
We'll let you know how it goes.
Sherman came to help for a minute, then Dylan was able to finish up
Now here's Sherman, taking it easy after all the hard work he put in.
More back yard good news:
The petunia's are doing excellent! There's more flowers every day, I love it!
AND Bonus good news!
We finished the roofcoat on the patio roof! This was what we learned really needed doing after getting up there to fix that leak we had a few posts ago. Bad news?
We may have left the push broom up on the roof. But that's okay, because there's no rain in the forecast so we still have time, haha!
Now the back yard is ship shape, there's a little baby boy on the way and it's time to party down!
Disclaimer: you know the rules, no photos of people because this is a public blog. But I did get some safe shots to share with all of you! The theme of the party was monkeys!
These were the adorable little party favors (by the way I get zero credit for any of this, I provided the house and everyone else did the hard work, it was great! haha)
Included with the favors: little, itty-bitty Barrel of Monkey games! How cute is that? Also, Sugar Babies because it was a baby shower, and little mints to celebrate that the baby is a boy. As an aside, the itty bitty Barrel of Money game is crazy fun.
Next up: the cake!
I'm still stunned by how adorable and beautiful these were! The girl who makes these has such wonderful talent, I'm really in awe. Kudos to you, you know who you are!! Oh and did I tell you they were delicious? Because I had ... ... well it's embarrassing how many I had but if you could try one you wouldn't blame me.
Dylan manned the bar for those not expecting
Wouldn't you know it, the margaritas wouldn't have been as delicious without Sherman's assistance. (He is an excellent supervisor!)
We had these fabulous centerpieces
And with a house full of food, including tasty edible monkeys within dogs reach - ours were so well behaved! (That's one for the good news section!) We only had one casualty
Fifi got into one of the boxes of sugar babies >.<
All in all, everyone had a great time. The food was delicious, the mommy-to-be was showered with gifts and congratulations. It was a spectacular event. Thanks to everyone who helped out!
It's fun to look back fondly at treats. Treats like sugar babies and cupcakes. But, eventually, treats can lead to bad news. That's right ladies and gents I'm talking about your teeth. See on Friday Dylan went in for a check up and it wasn't the best news one can get sitting in a dental chair. The doc wants him to come back in 4 months and in those 4 months he recommended an electric toothbrush.
So today, we stocked up.
His-N-Hers electric brushes, a floss for the purse and one for the house, picks for evening use, a new toothpaste and a first for us - that mouthwash. (Alcohol free, that's very important!)
Leave it to the dental assisting in me, his teeth are going to consider me their warden.
Bonus good news? While we were at the store stocking up on all things teeth we snagged some drapes for the bedroom that were on super-clearance (50% off of everything that was already on clearance, score!)
Grand total for the drapes $7.00 - total, that's for both of them!
I know! And they even match the robot!
Good night everyone, we'll see you next time!