Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Wonderful World of Zuchs

The zucchini: One of nature's miracles. 

It can become so many things. Bread, fries, pasta, lasagna, little fried up cakes! 
You name the recipe and the zucchini can master it. We know this fact all to well, 
in fact that little green log is a nutritional staple over here at the Boswell House. 

The picture of food at the top of the page may have tipped you off, and yes, it's another food post.
But what's better than food? Besides, I'm going to share with you some of our favorite zucchini recipes. 
If you try any one of them you will not be disappointed! 

Let's start with one of our most frequent uses for Zucchini 
ooooooh yeeeaah

To start this dish, you'll need 4-5 zucchinis. Then, it's on to the fun part - converting them into noodles!
Our trick is this handy julienne tool 
Ours came in "Titanium! As Seen on TV!" set we got for Christmas one year. The peeler that came with it dented and bit the dust a long time ago, but that's okay, we got that rad julienne-er out of it. (Heads up, if you run it across your skin - yeah, you get julienned too...)
But what if you don't have a fun [or deadly] kitchen tool to assist in noodle making? 
Fret not, all you need is a knife.
This is what we always have at the end, when you can't keep shredding without putting some of your digits 
in danger. So I chopped them up into different pasta shapes, for fun, and specifically for this blog post.
Uh... macaroni?
And look! Penne! xD hahah okay, really all your zuch needs to be is cut up for tasty delivery into your face.

Now it's time to cook
Start with another of nature's miracles, olive oil <3
Pour all of it in...
all of it!
It starts out really full - but I promise you it cooks down
Use some tongs to stir/flip/cook these bad boys
 And there you have it, all cooked down:
At this point, we usually take ours over to a strainer (just like real spaghetti!) because 
a lot of water cooks out of the zucchini. Bring it back to your pan and add sauce, cheese, 
meatballs, whatever you'd have on a pasta-spaghetti dinner. 
mmm mmm mmm tasty time! 

Another way to turn your Zuchs into noodles? Use a regular peeler for thin, fat, delicious fettuccine 
To make one amazing alfredo dish, all we did to these super thin "noodles" was blanch them. 

We whipped up an at-home alfredo sauce as follows:
1/4 cup heavy cream + a splash of 1/2 and 1/2
~3 tablespoons butter
~ 3/4 shredded Dubliner cheese (or any aged white cheddar)
~1/4 cup parmigiana (we used the big shreds, not the sprinkley kind) 
LOTS of pepper
1 Tablespoon minced garlic
A jolly good lot of Italian Seasoning shakes 
(I'm sorry I have no idea .. maybe it was another tablespoon?)
Salt to taste
**Later, we're going to try and add some corn starch as a binder, because our cheese 
did lump back together, so keep that in mind. It was still friggin excellent though.

It was incredible! Comfort food at its finest. 
Something about that zucchini made an already delicious idea EVEN BETTER.

This next zucchini dish was a bit of a kitchen sink event. We had zuch, onion and tomato that all needed to be cooked. I remember googling those three things and quasi following a recipe. Forgive me though - it's been so long that I don't remember the specifics ... but I do recall it was delicious.
I imagine this was all done in olive oil, and the onions likely went in first. Here's another shot, just because.
2nd pic looks a little more cooked ... it was one of those recipes that was even better as leftovers. 
Huh. I better google that trio again because I'm not kidding - this was GREAT. 

Alight, my blog may have been taken over by zucchinis - but has anyone stepped into a 
Trader Joe's since September? It's been taken over too:

Zing! And that's my time folks, that's for coming out, be sure to tip your wait staff. 
I'll see you again soon for another exciting round at The Boswell House!