Thursday, February 21, 2013


We've officially polished off an old tradition on the new blog site: Big Ol' Hiatus! Well, folks, I apologize for that. To make it up to you - well, look. It's a post!

All news that is news these days is the weather. We have all of the classic cliches to share for this weather post. Not only do I have photos of weather - but stories to share of weather consequences. Brace yourselves - this one's going to be very exciting.

Since my last post - THREE winter storms have rolled into the old pueblo. It's a big deal, because other than "hot" and "cold" not a whole lot happens here - weather wise. That's why we get so excited over monsoon season. It's also why we celebrate things like winter storms. I for one, hadn't seen snow in this town for 6 years! But I'm getting ahead of myself. It's time for winter storm #1 - rain!

Rain, rain rain rain rain. A drizzly, cold, relativity boring downpour.

We took advantage of the "stay indoors" weather, and kind of almost cleaned out the office... parts of it anyway.

What we had going on here was clutter. Just a bunch of useless junk piling up - so it wasn't very difficult to clear it out.

Then there was all the old mail. Not photographed  the file drawer. I got rid of a lot of outdated nonsense no one was ever going to need again but I have yet to actually organize the damn drawer. I'm still calling it a win.

Here's everything that didn't make the cut:

 These guys will go into the giant shredder machine next time we have one of those exciting "Shredathon!" events in town.

Other rejects:

Dylan had a bunch of clothes he was "going to sell on ebay" that finally made their way out the front door. So what if it was for free? They're gone!

One of the main motivations for "cleaning out" the office was to make room for Dylan's favorite new possession

A snazzy, hand made, bright, new, fast, exciting, .... etc. computer! That's the good news - the bad news? We sprung a leak. DON'T PANIC. Not the kind of leak that's synonymous with this house, this was just a regular old roof leak. 

We were lightening quick with this one, Dylan was up the next day with a tube of that roof tar to seal the crack and I am proud today that 2 winter storms later have proved that the leak is no longer! 

Then Fifi and I settled in to enjoy the ever blowing love that emits from the space heater 
Isn't that cute?!

Now - I'll admit 100% it's been so damn long since I posted that I have lost of sense of when each of these pictures were taken. That being said - the Super Bowl happened in the middle of it - and I have no recollection whatsoever how the weather was that day. What I do remember - was that the power went out at the Super Dome - so we drew a cartoon. 

Now when I say "we drew" a cartoon, that means I had the idea for the gag, and Dylan did the artwork. Of course, Kitty had to help! Here's our lovely gag:

Brilliant, timely, funny, really a masterpiece in modern cartoonery. Except for one snag - the new computer and the printer that has the scanner have yet to be introduced to one another. So our moment of glory never was able to shine. Sure we could post the cartoon now, but it'll be all lame and out dated! *sigh*

Moving back to weather, here's a photo of a lovely sky to get us back on track 

Also, what is a dog's favorite pastime in dead winter grass?
 Way to be Sherms. (I have NO IDEA how to fix that weird spacing ... sorry!)

Winter storm #2 rolled into town last week, and I just so happened to be dog sitting! There were giant fluffy snowflakes coming down for at least half an hour. The dogs had a great time running around in them, but in the end nothing stuck. I - like any good desert and weather nerd - totally took pictures of said flakes. 

I thoroughly enjoyed that snowfall - which was on a Monday. Then it was Tuesday - the last day I was human. Because come Wednesday I was knee deep in PLAGUE. And like any dedicated blogger, I took a photo of the misery to share with you - my readers.

Stupid disease! Because of this, I was half dead the majority of my house sitting stent (which is usually really fun, you know, watch whatever I want on TV, play with the dogs, eat junk food etc. but no, none of that for me this time!) AND it stole Valentine's Day from me. Jerk plague. (By the way, I'm taking antibiotics and am on the mend nowadays, still not 100% though, jerk plague.) 

This brings us pretty much up to date - Winter Storm #3 !!! This one was riveting - because the National Weather Service alerted Tucsonans to a BLIZZARD WARNING. I have no idea what the technical definition of a blizzard is - so, as far as I can tell you - Tucson totally had a freaking blizzard you guys! 

This was my first photo of the day, the sky on my way to work. It was so pretty, and so ominous! 
It reminded me of a Beck lyric "something's coming - sky is purple." 

Beck's warning did not disappoint - here's how it was come lunch time:

It gets better - the snow stuck and accumulated!! Take a look at my friend's car! 

Take a look at my car! 

And did I show you this yet?!?!

I like this particular photo because it looks pretty blizzardey

By the time I left work, the fluffies had stopped falling and all of the snow that was stuck cleared out. This was all I had left on my windshield at 5: 
But - the snow came back. The majority of the Tucson metro area had snow fall, repeatedly, all night long! This was our yard in the morning:

Walking in a winder wonderland. 

I promise, scouts honor, I will see you again - much much sooner this time.