Monday, January 21, 2013

Alright, here goes! ALL previous TBH posts from LJ

Time marches ever on, and the old LiveJournal blogs are no longer active! But, I'm keeping this old post since the titles can serve as memories! 

Our very first post - ever First post, lots to share (that was in December 2009!)
Redecorating for $12
(skipping 2 TINY little pointless posts, they're still on the original link if you want to go see them!)
Busy Sunday holy crap it was our first Brush and Bulky post ever!!
How Does Your Garden Grow?
More Weekend Gardening
Give 'em the boot the roots the radicals (oh, leaks!)
Repairs! (Dang, the front yard looked good!)
Another Success of a Sunday
s a t u r d a y night, night!
Good news and bad new (LEAKS!)
Moving ever onward  ... leak repair 
Shopping Trip
The never ending battles with irrigation
Plans and random items: (This was July 2010, in case you were wondering where we are)
Long in between with hopes and promises of becoming more frequent (heh, and then August!)
Kato "Wiener" Boswell 2008-2010 you will be missed <3  :(
$12 date night (What's with us and $12?)
Halloween! We're even faster than the store displays.
Fruits of some kind of labor
Catching up at The Boswell House
It's beginning to look a lot like .... HALLOWEEN!!!
10-10-10 Post! (guess the date...)
What we did on Sunday!
Getting to knooooooow you, getting to know all aboooooout yooooou (Hah! It's when I got my car!)
Pre-Thanksgiving weekend
Happy Thanksgiving from TheBoswellHouse
Holidays at The Boswell House (something tells me this won't be the first time you see that title... OH! And it's our first trip to the Shady Dell!!)
1-1-11 celebration!
More brush and bulky at the Boswell's
Boswell V. Soyock
Southern Fried and Thrifted!
Rib stickin' Valentines!
February Madness!
Grocery Day is a very dangerous day
 (brace yourselves - my fine art skills make their debut here!)
Baking + Cleaning (Rainbow Cake Balls!)
Dinner is served!
Garden, garden, garden!
The Boswell fur babies
 (LOL ... what?!)
Eggplant Lasagna!
Sleeping in the Scion! (And a lovely trip, too)
A post?!?! (Really, I'm as shocked as you are)

Eating good at the Boswell House
Going, going, back, back to Cali, Cali
Last weekend @ the Boswell House
Offices, Lay-offs and Cat Pee... oh my!
Why did the pirate say to the weekend?
 (Original typo included!)
A couple of quick thoughts
Fall really does occur in Tucson, no, really!
A little more from the season
Farm fresh from the Boswell House

0_0 my wrist is starting to hurt from all the ctrl+C-ing I'm doing! These links had better work...
Crisp, cool nights at the Boswell House (dirty, dirty leaks)
A week in review, of sorts
It's been far too long!
Another Sunday at the Boswell House
We did it!
(Collecting food for the Salvation Army)
Its Holiday Time Again! (Thanksgiving/Christmas 2011)
December Traditions
Bath day at the Boswell House
Holiday Recap!
Dinner with the Boswells & Friends
Another week in review

Meet Sammy (Sammy, the fish who will never die! And as of today he's still alive and kicking!)
First Brush and Bulky of the year!
Super FOOD Sunday!
Love is in the air
Boswells and Friends, rolling up our sleeves!
 (This was the start of the wedding!!)
Boswell weekend recap
Decks, Bisbee and the Shady Dell - oh my!
Decks & Dogs
Rained in weekend

Rock and Roll (That's when we put all the gravel in the back yard!)
Half Day
The many faces of progress! (I remember when we lost that washer, I thought back to this post. I have yet to tag the new one as my own, maybe one day I will...)
The Big Day
The Spoils of Kitty-dom
Moving Right Along

*GULP* We're about to relive the flood >.<
I only took pictures of food!
Spackling kitties during an eclipse
The Boswells out in the wilderness
Bad news @ the Boswell house
Week in review
Where'd we leave off?
Almost Home
Independence Day, Boswell Style
MOVING [back] IN!
Weekend at Home
Finally Facing the Frightening Front Yard
A few shifts and updates

Small post - BIG update! (Ahahahahah! It's sad, really, so sad it's hilarious ... we're STILL not done with that shower ...) 
**Good news, we're finally done with that shower.
Bisbee Mini-Vacay
Three Day Weekends are made for ________
The Grand Re-Opening Party!
Projects, Laundry and eggs!
October Means Halloween!
A little of the day-to-day
Tiles are actually on the wall!
Spooky Movie Night!
Holiday, Season, Vacation and MORE!

No title.  (It didn't have one ... shame on me!)
Food! Eat! Tradition!
Getting There
Christmas Prep: Desert Style
Slacking off on posts over the holidays means GIANT post ahead! (Brace yourselves!)
New Year - New Post

And that's where we left off. Now, here we are - new year, new blog hosting site. While I could technically turn back now, I won't. I'll leave a link to this address over on Livejournal. Remember when you're surfing back to any posts, if there is words in parentheses just click them to see the pictures. These links had better work >:( but if any of them don't, let me know please.

One thing I'm really going to miss is the tags - if anyone has tips on that for blogger (blogspot?) does it have tags? If so, how do I use them? And, as for decorating it for various holidays - we'll just have to wait and see if I can figure it out. Also, I think I need to change the color scheme. I don't like these ornage links ... but that'll be later. Lastly, I miss icons. But alas, this is progress. No more hosting pictures on a secondary site, this should help me streamline the entire process. Fret not though, doodles will continue thanks to Paint and Photoshop. Alright, that's enough of the boring stuff!

Cheers everyone, happy 2013 - welcome to the new Boswell House.